PLWT is a community of women helping other women to finance bigger projects and fulfill their dreams. We do this by pulling our financial resources together and releasing them to each member monthly. This pool of funding has helped us immeasurably to achieve greater success in our businesses as well as other aspects of our lives.

This tribe was born in 2018 when I hit rock bottom after my separation. I had no hope for financial assistance to expand my new business. Wondering about my next move, God placed it in my spirit to ask some of my friends to form this tribe. We have raised more than 50 million Naira among ourselves. 

Please send a message to the number below to schedule an interview here if you desire to join the PLWT.

LifeSpring Circle & Book Club

Lifespring circle & book club is an inspiring and enlightening platform that motivates women to expand their knowledge in different aspects of life and also build support for each other.

  • Are you a woman in your 40s or above?
  • Are you battling with any physical, spiritual, or emotional unwellness? 
  • Do you feel inadequate and unfulfilled because of the bucket list of dreams you feel you are yet to achieve?
  • Do you often get discouraged and feel like it’s too late all ready for you to achieve your vision and live a well-rounded life?
  • Do you like to read and would love to have deep and honest conversations with other women on different aspects of life?
  • Do you need a set of new friends and like-minded women in your corner for constant pushes, honest conversations, learning, support, hanging out, etc.?  

Did you answer ‘yes’ to some of these questions?
Sign up here

Do you want to know how to achieve 10x productivity in your life and business? Do you want to live your best life every day from now till the end of your days?

Then get my book, “Drive your life. Do More”. It contains nine crucial lessons you can use to stop living a life that causes a deep feeling of dissatisfaction in you. Instead, you start living a life where you are joy-filled and fulfilled, all day – every day.

Improve Yourself


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